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Cosplay Kitten

Videos & Press Coverage

Throughout my years as a cosplayer, I have been featured in several magazines, online articles and websites, and in various videos, from tv shows and independent films to convention footage and fan-made tributes. Here are some of these projects that I appear in. If you have a video of me, or know of an article I'm featured in, and would like to see it showcased here, please send it via my contact page and I'd be happy to put it up!

Cosplay Kitten - publicenemieshq
A collage of photos of my Aeris costumes.

Heidi the Gorgeous Anime Girl - LiveMoeraca
A collage of photos set to "La Passion" by Gigi D'Agostino.

Henshin TV Interview - Henshintv interviewed Yaya and I at Anime Expo 2008 while we were both in our "Darkstalkers" Felicia costumes.

Cosplay Documentary Teaser
A preview/commercial for a cosplay documentary by Pure Vision Films that I filmed for.

Pure Vision Films: Cosplay Documentary Promo #1 - Cliffsielofffilms
A promotional clip for the cosplay documentary by Pure Vision Films; it's got some great footage of conventions and cosplayers in it!

Pure Vision Films: Cosplay Documentary Promo #2 - Cliffsielofffilms
Another promotional clip for the cosplay documentary by Pure Vision Films, featuring some of my interviews.

Anime Central 2006 Masquerade Entry - Acparadise
A short clip of my walk-on entry for the Anime Central 2006 Masquerade, as Katt from Breath of Fire 2.

Anime Central 2005 Masquerade Entry - Acparadise
A short clip of my walk-on entry for the Anime Central 2005 Masquerade, as Celes Chere from Final Fantasy 6.

Felicia's BGM & Cosplay - Scarlettfan84
A collage of photos set to Felicia's background music from the Darkstalkers video game.

Game Frosting
My Tyris Flare costume was featured on Game Frosting in December 2010.

Nerd Bastards
I was featured as the Nerd Bastards' sexy cosplayer of the week on December 17, 2010.

Cosmode #014
Myself as Felicia with a group of Darkstalkers friends at Anime Expo '06, featured in Cosmode issue #014.

Anime Insider
My Celes costume was featured in the October 2005 issue of Anime Insider.