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Cosplay Kitten

About Me

Well, gosh. I feel so flattered that you're looking at this page...that must mean you want to know something about me, right?  =P  If you were misguided by my website's name, and expected some sort of sex kitten, I hate to have disappointed you...I'm just an uber nerd who's addicted to video games and cosplay. But hey...geeks have more fun.  =^_^=

My dream in life is to someday own my own little costume shop. It will be a store full of beautiful costumes and clothing, lots of colorful, sparkly things, and of course, it has to have a little cat or two to sit in the window and sunbathe. I've been designing and sewing clothing and costumes ever since my grandmother bought me a giant green metal beast of a sewing machine from a garage sale when I was just thirteen, and I still haven't lost the passion for it! I am completely self-taught when it comes to sewing and patternmaking, and if there's one piece of advice I can give, it's that practice really does make perfect.

Anyways, yes...I dress up as imaginary people for fun.  =P  Cosplay, or costume play, involves dressing up as characters from different movies, anime/manga, or video games. It's my favorite hobby, simply because I love the challenge of bringing my favorite characters to life. I have a blast working on the detail involved in a costume, from putting it together to finding just the right wig and make-up to learning how to make armor and accessories (chicks with power tools! Whoo!). Then there's the reward of seeing all that time and hard work magically come together. Those are half the fun...prancing around in my creations is the other half! I never quite outgrew my love for playing dress up.  ^_^

Besides cosplaying and sewing, I have a lot of other hobbies I enjoy as well. Painting and drawing is my second passion, and I love roleplaying and am one of the biggest D&D freaks you'll ever meet. I enjoy writing poetry and stories, and I love to dance...bellydancing is one of my silly secret talents, and I pride myself on my ability to shimmy. When I'm not doing any of these things, I'm probably outside somewhere in a nice foresty place, hiking...I love being outside in fresh air and sunshine.

All in all, I'm a very busy girl, but I'm also very happy with where I am in life. I've got a degree in Graphic Design, and love that I get to earn my living as both a costume designer and an artist. I also love people and am very approachable and friendly, so if you ever bump into me at a convention, be sure to stop and say hello!